Saturday, February 5, 2011

Welcome to Our New Team Members

Monika Menze - Utah, US
Nancy Wiebe - Ontario, CA
Tara Allan - British Colombia, CA
Richelle Dowler, Utah, US

Andrea Johnston - British Colombia, CA
Jessica Wedel - Alberta, CA
Chisti Campbell - Ontario, CA
Mallory Baurichter - Missouri, US

Sheryl Hoeppner - British Colombia, CA
Sharie Toth - British Colombia, CA
Joanne Grieve - British Colombia, CA

Welcome to our team! I'm Christine Alva-Hill, Director of Scent-Z-itis. You can find me on Facebook and if I'm online feel free to ask me questions through chat or send me a message. It's a good idea to seek out members of our team that are in your same area if your sponsor is not near by. Your team members can be a great support, I call these support relationships the "Honey Line". (More information about that later.) If you need help finding team members in your area please contact me and I'll be happy to help you.

Welcome, I'm so glad you're with us:)

Christine Alva-Hill
Independent Scentsy, Director
Catch it and Spread it!

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