Friday, December 10, 2010

It's Official Today

Our team has just promoted it's first Director! Congratulations to Connie Hendrickson in Ontario, Canada! She has promoted to Director just 13 months after I met her in Park City, Utah. I gave her a free warmer, bar and Scent Circle to try out. I really didn't know what she thought of my Scentsy presentation. I wondered if she thought I was crazy to offer this business opportunity to a complete stranger. Now that I look back on that day I see that events had intersected just perfectly for Connie and I. She has worked hard and learned so much and I'm very proud of her. I also want to give a shout out to her supportive and sweet husband, John. I know that his support has been a big contributor to her success. Thanks John!!! I have a feeling that her team will promote a few more directors before the end of next year. So now Connie needs a team name. Any suggestions?:)

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